Leeds Genomics Facility https://medicinehealth.leeds.ac.uk/dir-record/facilities-medicinehealth/1191/next-generation-sequencing-facility

The Leeds Genomics Facility uses world-leading instrumentation and highly skilled staff to provide a flexible and efficient sequencing service. Customers include both internal (University of Leeds) and external academics as well as commercial clients.

The facility is equipped with Illumina short-read sequencers including a MiSeq and NextSeq 2000. Long-read devices manufactured by Oxford Nanopore Technologies are also available.

Working in partnership with NHS colleagues we are able to generate data that has a full audit trail, to diagnostic standards.

The department is based in the Clinical Sciences Building on the St. James’s University Hospital campus.

Technology MiSeq, NextSeq 2000, MinION, GridION

Expertise Illumina short-read sequencing, Exome, Whole genome, RNAseq, ChIP-Seq, long-read nanopore sequencing

Leeds Genomics Facility


Christopher Watson