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Superdex Peptide 10/300 GL is a prepacked column for high-resolution size exclusion chromatography for small-scale preparative purification and analysis of peptides and other small biomolecules with molecular weights between 100 and 7000. • High-resolution separations of proteins, peptides, and other biomolecules according to size. • Well suited for the polishing step in a purification procedure. • Easy and predictable scale-up. • Excellent reproducibility and durability.

Superdex prepacked columns are designed for high-performance, laboratory-scale separations of proteins, peptides, and other biomolecules according to size. High performance gel filtration offers fast separations with high resolution for a variety of applications including protein purification, studies of complex formation, and screening of uncharacterized samples.

ManufacturerGE Healthcare

Model10/300 GL


Academic Contact

Rebecca Kenyon