Nikon TiE Widefield Fluorescence Microscope



Nikon TiE Widefield Fluorescence Microscope with Screening modality.

Please contact Newcastle University's Bioimaging Unit to arrange bookings or training on this instrument.

The facility caters for a wide variety of imaging requirements and can offer: conventional brightfield, phase, DIC and wide field-fluorescence microscopy as well as confocal microscopy, multiphoton-microscopy, Light-sheet imaging, super resolution microscopy and 'high-content' confocal screening.

We can cover a wide range of imaging techniques on both live and fixed samples for example: Fluorescence Recovery After Photobleach (FRAP), Forster Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET), time lapse (live-cell) light-sheet and volume (z-stack) imaging. Our equipment can also accommodate fixed and live-cell automated screening (high-content) applications and is supported by several networked and dedicated workstations running both commercial and open-source image analysis software.

Our facilities can be accessed by both internal and external academic researchers as well as commercial projects. Access can be on one of three levels: unsupervised (once trained), part-supervised, contract (we do the imaging). Our team of specialists can provide advice on all aspects of microscopy from experimental design through to image analysis.




Academic Contact

Alex Laude